Mobile video is already here
In 30 seconds
One of the biggest events that happened in 2016 in the field of video marketing is the fact that mobile video has become the dominant way people is watching video online.
One of the biggest events that happened in 2016 in the field of video marketing is the fact that mobile video has become the dominant way people is watching video online.
If we add some numbers related with internet traffic:
video traffic will jump from 68 percent of consumer internet traffic in 2015 to 82 percent in 2020.
And from 44 percent of business online traffic in 2015 to 66 percent in 2020.
Online video, as a whole, will top 77 percent of all online traffic by 2019, rising from 59 percent in 2014.
It’s easy to see and confirm why mobile video must be a the most important part of any video marketing strategy in 2017.
Actually, online world is already mostly mobile video. Although a lot of statistics are confirming that, the data coming from Youtube is the final confirmation “ more than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices”. If we consider YouTube and its 1 billion members we can say that’s it’s not a tendency coming either from millennials or Z generation but a reality.
And what about B2B? Yes, video is not only part of the customer journey but really important in the B2B buying process.
In a last year Think With Google study, its director, Mr. Robinson was stating that “In the B2B buying process, we’re seeing an increase in the number of people using video, from 29% of B2B buyers only two years ago to 70% of B2B buyers today.” People who make important decisions are watching video, and video is watched from mobile devices. Robinson adds that this combination of video format with visualization from mobile device is increasingly influencing the conversion rate and has become an essential element in the customer journey, especially in B2B.
So the million dollar question is always the same. If video is increasingly mobile, how can I gain effectiveness ?
The answer is easy. Improving these videos. How? Following three tips.
- Duration: the shortest, the best, from 60 to 90 seconds maximum. Videos that tells stories should not exceed this duration. 1to1video personalized videos do not exceed this duration except in exceptional cases. These durations have higher conversion rates, percentages that are doubled in the mobile support.
- Focus: People is always looking for instantaneous solutions. You have to give the solution through the right message, fast and clear. Customers, or potential customers, are looking for solutions. In a brief and focused video you have to attract attention and keep it till the end. Brief and focused storytelling. Really!
- Personalization: No doubt at all, this is the step forward, the difference. The video format gains a new dimension with the ability to customize the message. All conversion and viewing ratios see their percentages improved exponentially. A personalized video, with personal customer data is becoming the definitive tool for companies looking to make their customer buying experiences richer.
All the numbers from 2016 are confirming video personalization as the main videomarketing strategy success in year.
It’s clear that reaching our customer, greeting him with his name and explaining him our message as it was a one to one message is the best way to make him decide to buy or stay with us