New Trends in Digital Marketing 2016
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2016 is starting and we will probably see some interesting surprises in the digital marketing universe. What about if we try to make an overview about them?
Predicting the future as a whole is a tricky business and quite risky. Although that, it is quite usual to read, at the beginning of each year, articles about what is coming in the near future on a specific discipline or sector.
The aim of this one is to present some of the trends that are going to be important in the field of Digital Marketing and explain them in an orderly and simple way.
Content is king
And there is more and more, and more interesting. And marketers should take advantage of technology at their disposal to be more efficient in order to strengthen ties between the brand and its current customers base, but also to reach more potential audience. This is the correct way to communicate effectively their value proposition. And technological tools already exist and they are accessible to all.
But what about this content? Who is creating it?
Undoubtedly, the ultimate goal here is to attract users. But now is the user who takes the reins. He will create, give a shape, expand or destroy that relationship. It's only a question of reviewing, recommending or rejecting ...
The user has the power
In a massive generation content environment and social networking overuse by brands, none has a higher level of credibility than the one that's being generated by the user itself. Today it is more important that customers talk about their experiences and their experiences with the brand than any advertising or information created by the brand itself.
The users with their comments, recommendations and all kinds of multimedia content are becoming the most important influencers of a brand, a product or a service. Potential customers really trust what another client is saying about a product or brand. Moreover, the credibility level in this case is higher than the one that comes from the company itself in form of advertising.
Customizing stories and messages
The effort in creating content should put the focus on being better in order to attract and engage. And to achieve this it is necessary to customize and make it visually appealing and above all, really interactive. Consumers are increasingly interacting. Marketers must be more agile in creating conversations with their audience, and should be able to mix their own content with user generated one. Compelling content generates attention and interaction. And that's good for brands.
This " teams " generated content and its communication generates a huge behavior data traffic that must be analyzed and used to improve communication, to personalize it and thus better target the desired potential user / customer. Doing this, will allow us to have more chances our differential value is better perceived.
We must not forget that our goal is to sell or, if we already do, generate loyalty from our customers. If this is not achieved, no digital strategy is valid at all.
Technology is already available to everyone
Marketing tools technology evolves and it evolves fast. New and improved features appear every day, some of which may move from utopian science fiction to reality.
Task automation enables content control, its monitoring and management and metrics analysis. This helps us to customize messages, and thus increase the chances of capturing customer interest.