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7 tips to succeed with Personalized Videos

Mar 8 2015
Posted by:Eduard Nadal

In 30 seconds

If you're thinking in start using Personalized Videos in your company, there are some important points that you must bear in mind. Here you have some tips that could help you to succeed, taken from our worldwide experience with Idomoo.

1. Focus on strategic goals

Improve customer relationship, trust, loyalty, transparency:

  1. Achieve strategic business goal
  2. Increase Lifetime Value

Reduce churn:

  1. Achieve tactical business goal
  2. Upsell & cross-sell

Register to self-serve portal

2. Show to your customers that you really think on them

Today people takes for granted that big companies (Insurance, Banking, Utilities, E-commerce, tourism,…) have its personal information to manage the services and to communicate individually.

Personalized video is not about show that we have customer data, is about demonstrate that we really think and work for each one of our customers…  Use your entire data source (from CRM DATA to WEB Analytics) to build a personalized video brand / product experience.

3. Ask the customer to interact with your brand or product.

Always add an action to make at the end of the video. It’s a matter of conversion, loyalty, engagement, efficiency or trust… Never forget CTA strategy. You have many ways to surprise your customer using clickable buttons inside the video, personalizing voice recommendation for each one or including personalized messages inside the landing page.

4. Analyze and Improve

Plan and measure the KPI’s to each marketing objective related with the video

  • Churn reduction
  • NPS (Brand engagement)
  • Lead Conversion
  • Customer Service efficiency
  • On-line Advertising
  • Loyalty (renewals, upgrades or reselling)
  • Social Sharing

And add video metric such emailing open rates, Click to play, CTA ratios, Landing buttons tracking, etc.

5. Deliver it where the customer is

Personalized videos can be in hands of your customer or lead, using many different channels, and each one has its own possibilities and target.

Use different delivery systems will boost your results. The secret formula is to achieve a good mix to obtain the best Video Viewed ratio. (Should be always over 90%)

Email, SMS, Apps, e- Customer platforms, IPTV, Social Media Walls, You tube, Ads platforms, Mobil…

6. Be Creative

Now the technology allows us to do almost everything using customer data and video. Butthe secret still remains in how we tell the story. Try to be clear, focused, avoid technical concepts, and think that traditional advertising creativity for commercials or videotutorials should be re-thinked to be successful  with video personalization.

7. Make it Social and Viral

“Video drives 10X more chances to share, embed, engage & comment” Content Marketing Institute, 2014

Use Social Media platforms to create viral video experiences wich your customers feel your brand values and share them with its friends and followers.