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Customer Experience and Personalized Videos

Aug 16 2021
Posted by:Jordi Sabater

In 30 seconds

When a company succeeds in the purchasing process, the potential customer becomes a "pure" customer.

This is a customer who takes one thing for granted above all else: the product/service purchased has relevant advantages over the competition. If this were not the case, this customer would not have chosen it as the best option to meet his needs.

From the purchasing process very beginning, there have been a series of interactions between the potential customer (and now customer) and the company.

The interactions that produce sensations / perceptions in the customer isa the so-called customer experience.

Customer experience, the key element

Why is it a key element?

First of all, there is a series of features of the product that the customer "already assumes" exist. And in the competition as well.

Second, what does not exist, a priori and before starting the purchase process, is an advance knowledge of how this potential consumer is going to interact with the company.

💡💡 And that is why the customer experience is the key difference to stand out and achieve the ultimate goal, customer loyalty.

These interactions that we mentioned in the previous paragraph occur at the so-called touch points. In them, interaction provokes in the customer a feeling, an emotion that accumulates throughout the entire journey (process).

🎥🎥 Personalized video allows you to create attractive and emotion-generating messages for each of the touch points and throughout the entire customer journey. It has been proven that the message in this format is able to generate a greater emotional impact, by taking into account personalized variables that are incorporated throughout the message

They are unique and totally subjective perceptions, and over time they generate an informed opinion, which can be positive or negative.

If the company is able to clearly visualize the whole process, to translate it in a concrete way and to develop an adequate communication strategy, it obtains great benefits:

  • Customer loyalty (this is the goal !!)
  • A constant "dialogue" is created with the customer, and the customer appreciates it.
  • The company's own processes are adapted to the Customer Journey and help employees to guide and standardize the message to the customer.
  • The so-called MoT (moments of truth), which are the most important points of contact for the customer, can be better identified and managed. If the company is prepared for this, it will be easier to stand out in a positive way.


Conclusion: We have seen the importance of two totally related concepts: the customer journey and the customer experience.

Their importance is vital, and therefore communication strategies must take them into account from their design and initial approach.

The messages transmitted must have a format and content whose objective will always be to achieve a conversion (the potential customer becomes a customer) and subsequent customer loyalty.

The personalization of the message allows to improve conversion far above the average and to increase loyalty above the standards that have been used until now.